
IBD and Anxiety

IBD and anxiety

When you are first diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease you learn quickly that the brain and gut function as one. They are deeply connected. Even if you don’t have IBD, you can look to feelings like butterflies in your stomach when you are nervous, excited, or in love. IBD has given me the superpower of identifying an instinctual trust of my gut. One thing you commonly hear when talking about how to manage your IBD is that you have to manage your stress levels. Since the brain and gut are so connected, the chances that a flare up will occur when you’re stressed are high. Truthfully, being able to manage your stress is a very privileged thing to be able to do and that’s a conversation that needs to be had. Outside forces and systems of oppression exist heavily in our world today. We are not functioning in a world that allows you to thrive and prioritize both your mental and physical health. For most people, there is always a tremendous amount of stressors that you cannot escape. Things like finances, unstable households, going to school, and working all cause a great deal of stress. 

Today, I want to specifically talk about how managing stress levels and IBD feels increasingly impossible when you have clinical anxiety and/or PTSD, as these are so often linked with IBD. 

I was diagnosed with IBD at a young age. My physical health was always prioritized over my mental health. This was more pronounced, I think, because mental health is not a thing that is necessarily often invested in for young children. As a child, it was very difficult for me to identify what I was feeling and what triggered these feelings. Specifically, with my anxiety, I did not know what a neutral state of mind meant. I didn’t know what my anxiety looked or felt like till around my sophomore year of college. After going on anxiety medication for a bit, I was able to understand what intrusive thoughts were and how they occupied my life. 

The baseline for my anxiety is intrusive thoughts, but it can also manifest itself in different ways just based on the things I am doing in my life at the time. For example, my anxiety can manifest itself in ways such as crying in social settings, having an obsession with time (i.e. constantly looking at the clock or leaving hours early for events), and, when things are more extreme, staying in my room for days on end. For me, it is so important to specifically state how my anxiety manifests because for so long I did not know what it meant. I think it is important that we normalize talking about everything that anxiety can bring with it, not just generalizing or downplaying it. So often, I think anxiety is talked about in very loose terms and given very simple fixes for how to “handle it.” This, in return, can oftentimes belittle the situation. 

When these more intense and intrusive moments occur, my IBD flares up. So, I often question how I am to manage my stress when I often cannot control my anxieties. In the past, I would become stressed when I experienced my anxieties because I did not know what was wrong. Now, they still stress me out, even though I know that it is anxiety. 

For me, and I think many others, anxiety is something that I have to constantly cope with on the daily. If I am not ten steps ahead of it, it will simply swallow me whole. 

IBD and anxiety can feel overwhelming and scary, but what has helped me is knowing that I am not alone. Having these two conditions together is not uncommon, and what feels very isolating and full of despair is not the case. Medication has helped me in the past and therapy is a forever process for me. I also keep a bullet journal of coping skills I have used in the past - identifying coping mechanisms that worked and ones that did not. This list gives me a place to turn to when I feel as though nothing could help and it's easily accessible. I have also found solace in being in a community of people who understand. Explaining anxiety or IBD to someone who has not gone through it can be very exhausting and this goes for many other varying identities as well! When I do find the energy, making art is another space for me to process my anxiety, whether that be through a conceptual piece or just painting a canvas with one color over and over again.

What are ways you cope with your anxiety?

How to Cope With a Chronic Condition at College

By Sneha Dave

It wasn’t until the last couple weeks of high school that I realized the coming year, my first year of college, I would be on my own. My network of support and my parents would not be nearby.

As I sit in a coffee shop in the District of Columbia, I can't help but reflect on this past year, my freshman year of college. It's a transformative and influential time for most, and I can certainly say that it was more than this for me. I learned how to navigate the waters with my chronic condition, and once again I realized the importance of resilience to tackle both successes and challenges.

After living with a severe form of ulcerative colitis for more than 13 years, this was the first year I did not have my parents with me for every abdominal spasm and procedure. The transition was out of my comfort zone, but it taught me about independence. Below are some of the highlights of the year, as well as tips for living with a chronic condition in college:

Visit Disability Student Services before school begins. My mother pushed me to talk with the DSS services at my school so I could be established before I entered my freshman year. I wasn't too worried about registering with DSS, as I did not feel as though I would need it. In reality, DSS was a critical part of my school year. Registering before school starts is important because, after the beginning of school, there are a number of other things a student will have to worry about. The process is lengthy and it may require several phone calls to a physician's office. One of the perks of registering with DSS is that you can request a single room, which was a lifesaver for me, as I realized with my flare-ups.

Take the time to educate and communicate with your professors. If you've lived with a chronic condition for a number of years, this is probably something you already have experiences with. At the beginning of the year, I struggled with many episodes of inflammation and woke up some mornings with a feeling of paralysis in my abdomen. Subsequently, I missed my 8 a.m. class and lay in bed (in quite a bit of pain, I should add) and emailed my professor immediately. I was lucky, as my professor was always accommodating and willing to share notes, but having an upfront communication made it easier. It's often best to talk to your professor during the second week, after back-to-school commotion has eased.

It's OK not to tell everyone about your illness. The people I spent all of high school with knew of my history of being sick, but in college, almost everyone was a stranger to my illness. The second semester of freshman year I had a medical procedure every week, sometimes twice each week. While I am a huge advocate for people with chronic conditions, I find it challenging to tell people about my condition, because I really don't like the accompanying sympathy. Most of my peers are not aware of the medical challenges I lived with this year. On the whole, it's a good idea to educate your peers, but it can often be repetitive to have to explain every small detail.

Everything will not go as planned. I really struggled with this, as I wanted my freshman year to be pain- and symptom-free. I remember I was put on a high dose of antibiotics, which decreased my inflammation but caused a wave of new symptoms, including severe appetite loss and constant fatigue. Subsequently, I spent some more time getting evaluated at the Cleveland Clinic than I would have liked. I found myself constantly trying to develop time strategies to deal with my chronic condition, taking classes and managing a boatload of extracurriculars.

Don't let your illness be your excuse. The reality is unfortunate, but at the end of the day, very few people will take into account your struggles with chronic health conditions as you navigate schoolwork. I found myself having frequent spasms and still working very hard on a biology test. You may have to make some sacrifices in order to get extra rest or to catch up, but it can be done.

Learn to navigate around dining hall food. There's a way to bypass dining hall food and instead keep a refrigerator with food that you're able to tolerate. I have a very complicated diet, and the dining hall at my university was not able to accommodate my needs (understandably so, as my diet changes every few months). I had my doctor send a letter so that I could provide my own meals.

It's OK to feel alone – and remember, it's all a learning experience. Many of us have been fortunate to have our parents drive us to procedures and wait with us. After having a few visits to the Cleveland Clinic, I was prescribed treatment that required me to see a health care specialist at least

once a week at an office near my campus. I often went to my procedures in between classes and came to my next class half asleep. It was a new learning experience for me, as I did not have family right there with me.

Freshman year was quite a learning experience for transition. While I often felt overwhelmed with my illness, I ended up learning quite a bit with support from a distance. I encourage all college students with a chronic condition to find ways to ensure that your illness will not stand in the way of your goals (something easier said than done, but it is possible).

Content originally created for U.S. News and World Report. Find the original article here: