Navigating the Fatigue Roller Coaster: My Personal Journey with Crohn's Disease  

Navigating the Fatigue Roller Coaster: My Personal Journey with Crohn's Disease  

By Yeabsira Taye from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Living with Crohn's disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which is chronic, comes with its unique set of challenges. Among the many symptoms that accompany this condition, fatigue has been a  constant companion on my journey. Fatigue in Crohn's disease is unlike any tiredness I had experienced before. It goes beyond feeling simply tired or sleepy. It is a bone-deep weariness that affects every aspect of my life. The unpredictability of fatigue is one of the most frustrating aspects. Some days, I wake up feeling relatively energetic and ready to take on the world, only to be struck by an overwhelming wave of exhaustion a few hours later. Other days, the fatigue is  ever-present and weighs me down from the moment I open my eyes.  

The constant battle with fatigue takes a toll on my emotional well-being as well. It can lead to  feelings of guilt, frustration, and even isolation. I often find myself feeling guilty for not being able to fulfill commitments or meet the expectations I have for myself. The inability to keep up with social activities or spend quality time with loved ones can lead to a sense of isolation and a fear of missing out.

As a medical student with Crohn's disease, battling chronic fatigue in the midst of hectic schedules is a formidable challenge. The unpredictable nature of the fatigue makes it difficult to plan and commit to my studies. There are days when I wake up feeling relatively energetic, only to have my energy levels plummet suddenly, leaving me unable to fulfill my obligations. This inconsistency can be disheartening and can lead to feelings of guilt and self-doubt.  

The experience of thriving for two years with Crohn's disease taught me that living with fatigue of Crohn's disease is an ongoing journey that requires patience, resilience, and self-compassion. By accepting the realities of fatigue and implementing strategies such as energy management, rest, nutrition, exercise, stress management, and building a support network, I have transformed my experience from one of mere survival to one in which I am thriving, despite the challenges.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and with perseverance and a tailored approach, it is possible to  reclaim control over your life and find moments of joy and fulfillment amidst the shadows of fatigue.

Featured photo by lalesh aldarwish from Pexels.