My IBD Story

Hi! My name is Nathalie, one of the CCYAN fellows of 2021! Today I talk about my IBD diagnosis story and how Crohn's disease affected me at such an early age...

Get ready with CCYAN fellow Nathalie Garcia as she shares her IBD diagnosis story and how Crohn’s disease affected her at such an early age. 

Growing up, Nathalie’s brother almost lost his life due to ulcerative colitis following a misdiagnosis from lack of medical testing. A few years later, Nathalie began experiencing signs of IBD herself when she was just 15 years old. Because of her family history, Nathalie was tested early for IBD only for the results to come out as inconclusive. At 16, however, she collapsed during her high school cross-country race and was finally diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

Nathalie dives into her diagnosis journey in her latest video and shares the ups, the downs, and all the relatable moments in between. 


This video is sponsored by Lyfebulb.

Lyfebulb is a patient empowerment platform, which centers around improving the lives of those impacted by chronic disease.