"Whispers of Weary Stars"

"Whispers of Weary Stars"

By Tanisha Singh from India

Beneath the moon's tender gaze we tread,

We who bear the weight of threads unseen,

A tapestry woven with threads of lead,

A dance with tiredness, where we convene.

Each step echoes softly with a sigh,

As weary limbs journey through the day,

A symphony of shadows in the sky,

Where sun and moon alternate, as they sway.

The stars, like whispers of forgotten dreams,

Hold secrets of the tired souls who roam,

In twilight's grasp, where silence gleams,

They paint the canvas of a quiet home.

Uncertainty, a specter of the night,

Its haunting touch, a shiver in the dark,

In eyes that seek a glimmer of insight,

We navigate the paths unknown, embark.

Oh, how we yearn for dawn's embrace,

To shake the weariness from weary bones,

Yet in the night, we find a different grace,

As shadows whisper tales in muted tones.

A tapestry woven with strands of hope,

Each fiber intertwined with threads of fear,

In tiredness, we learn to tightly cope,

Embrace the symphony that lingers near.

"Whispers of Weary Stars" they gently say,

In tiredness' grip, we find a way,

To face the unknown with hearts ablaze,

And navigate the night, embracing the maze.