Planning with Crohn's

Stay with me for this one – I promise it won’t be as boring as it sounds! If you immediately switch off when you hear the world ‘plan’, or indeed ‘regime’ or ‘strategy’, you’re not the only one! There are, however, benefits to planning when you live with a chronic condition like Crohn’s Disease – and more importantly, if your plans become routines, then they’re more likely to become second nature, and you’ll find yourself doing those tasks subconsciously. Here, I will share some of my planning tips, which you may just find helpful. It’s all about finding what works for you so that you can manage to fit in all of the things you want to do, despite your health condition(s).

planning with crohn's

Smartphone apps

There are tons of smartphone apps available to help you keep lists, plan activities and so on! I keep it fairly simple, making use of macOS/iOS Calendar, Reminders and Notes (or the same apps on other operating devices). The calendar function is ideal for noting down all of your appointments. This helps for looking to the future, but also looking back at when and where different events occurred. The reminders app is an absolute lifeline for me. I have separate folders for different activities (e.g. university, health, work, voluntary commitments and so on). I add in activities, and a date/time (or location) reminder. This definitely helps me to keep track of everything that I need to do. If I didn’t, I would definitely forget! From a health tracking perspective, this is ideal as a reminder for booking in my next vitamin B12 injection which takes place every three months, as well as for when I need to ring up my doctor to arrange routine blood tests, when I need to self-inject my treatment, and when I need to order my repeat prescription. You may think that you’ll remember everything, but when you are busy with ‘life’, on top of ‘brain fog’ which many of us can relate to, it’s easy to forget. I know I have done that in the past, particularly when it came to self-injecting my treatment. I would remember that I need it on Tuesday for example, which would be the two-week dose period. However, I would have a busy day at college, would forget when I came home, and then in bed at night, I would suddenly remember, and think ‘I’ll have it tomorrow’. But then tomorrow became the weekend, and before I knew it, it may be a whole week later and I still hadn’t given myself my injection. I knew that was no good, but I just needed to do something about it – which I did!

Finally, Notes are brilliant! Again, I have different folders for a whole variety of different items. ‘Health’ is one of those. I use notes for keeping track of how I have been feeling, as well as for noting down points to discuss with my healthcare teams. I also use notes to keep track of discussions held with healthcare professionals, either face-to-face or over the phone. It’s just another good way to have information at your fingertips to help with your care, while the discussions are still ‘fresh’ in your head. 

Scheduling in rest days

We all know what it’s like to live with a condition like Crohn’s – we have so much robbed away from us. As a result, when you are feeling on the better side, you will naturally try to fit in everything that you can. I know that I have been there! Though sometimes, it really doesn’t pay off. That’s why I try to give myself time and space to just ‘do nothing’ – because I know that’s what my body needs. In pre-pandemic times, I would avoid booking in too many back-to-back travels, so that I always had some time to recover. In the current climate, I do my best to block off certain days where I’ll have meetings, keeping overs ‘free’ to do work at my own pace, and also take it easy. It’s all about being in control, as much as possible, so that you give your body (and importantly, your mind) the time and space to breathe.

Leaving the house with everything that you need

Phone. Wallet/purse. Keys. Mask! The list goes on – but it’s really important to have everything that you need to hand. As well as the usual items that most of us require these days, I also have supplies in my backpack and car for every eventuality. This includes painkilling tablets and gel, anti-spasmodic tablets to help with cramps, laxative tablets if I notice a blockage, anti-diarrhoeal tablets if the opposite happens, lactase enzyme to help me digest products containing lactose and the RADAR key to access locked accessible toilets. This list can go on and will depend on personal circumstances. I always find it best to have everything stored in one bag, so you can ‘grab and go’. It may feel excessive, but you will thank yourself later on when you’re not caught short.

Knowing your triggers and avoiding them

Although everyone is different, we all have some kind of trigger which can worsen how we feel. For me, I know that stress is a key trigger for worsening symptoms. That’s why I try to minimise stress as much as is practically possible – although that is much easier said than done! That’s why you’ll generally see me planning to do work well in advance of deadlines, for example, and seemingly ‘being on top’ of everything. In reality, it’s much harder to do, and I do find myself rushing for deadlines still – but at least I have minimised that as much as is practically possible. I am also my own worst enemy. As a perfectionist, I place huge amounts of pressure on myself to succeed and to do everything to the very best of my abilities. While it’s a good quality to have, it isn’t when it impacts on your health. So, it’s really important to be kind to yourself, and to re-evaluate your workload if you find yourself totally swamped and feeling ill. Nothing is worth more than your health.

Do you have any other planning tips which help you to live with your condition whilst getting through life? Let us know in the comments and on social media! 

planning with crohn's